The other major public health threat facing New Jersey — the opioid epidemic — did not abate during the state’s COVID-19 outbreak.In fact, it got a bit…
Burlington County has cut the ribbon on a new recovery center to help those struggling with substance abuse. The center is in the county’s Human Services…
Advocates have some concerns about the Christie administration's proposal to transfer responsibility for mental health and addiction services from the New…
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he's honored President Trump has selected him to chair a commission focused on combatting the nation's opioid…
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has signed legislation intended to curb the opioid addiction epidemic.The law limits initial opioid prescriptions to a…
Advocates are urging New Jersey lawmakers to enact proposed legislation that would help students trying to recover from drug addiction.The measure would…
Governor Chris Christie devoted his final state-of-the-state speech to outlining a plan to fight drug addiction.Christie told a joint session of the New…