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Employer Giving Program

Employee giving programs (or corporate philanthropy programs) are an opportunity for companies to help engage their employees in small acts of kindness that can contribute to major change and impact.

Workplace giving programs can provide the opportunity for staff to make tax-deductible donations to charities of their choice. These donations can be made through automatic payroll deductions. Employees can set them up in a few clicks and leave them running until they choose not to.

Sounds remarkably like being a Sustaining Member of WBGO via a monthly Credit Card donation, doesn’t it? You might want to consider this as an option to make your donation to WBGO. Do you know whether the company you work for has an employer giving program?

Another benefit of these programs is that often the company will provide the additional philanthropic benefit of matching the cash donations that the employee is contributing. Even though there’s often a cap on the amount that a business will match per employee, this initiative helps donations, little or large, go that much further and assures employees that they’re truly making a difference.

It’s important to note that WBGO happily accepts both kinds of giving, and in fact quite a few of your fellow listeners and financial supporters already do so.

The official legal name of our organization is: "Newark Public Radio, Inc."

We are a Certified 501 C-3 Non-Profit Organization:

Our federal taxpayer identification number is: 22-2137728

WBGO is located at: 54 Wayne Shorter Way Newark, NJ 07102

Thanks as always for your generous and continued support.