Feb 14 Friday
PLEASE READ FULLY TO ENJOY THIS EVENT-r BrownstoneJAZZ FEST up close and personal. Intimate acoustic livIngroom concerts. SOCIALLY DISTANCED TICKETED PERFORMANCE VENUE PLEASE ID, PROOF OF VACCINATION AND MASKS ARE A NYC AND OUR MUST HAVE TO ENTER HOSTING - DEBBIE McCLAIN Curator and M.C. ERIC LEMONS Bassist, Discover a JazzFest, in the restored 19th Century Victorian Brownstone, located in Bedford Stuyvesant Brooklyn’s Landmarked Historic District. SugarHill, Harlem and Bed Stuy, Central B'klyn were both Jazz Hey Day Communities. When Ella Fitzgerald lyricized the song 'TAKE THE A TRAIN' she gives confirmation. I believe she obviously was speaking of Brooklyn. A train connecting two jazz hubs fast. BrownstoneJAZZ Ensasmbles presents some of the best jazz artists of yesteryear’s Jazz Soldiers and today’s Jazz Front-liners swinging with an authentic classic jazz style. With something for everyone to enjoy. NOTES Dress to Impress NO FISH FRY AT THIS TIME. (It will return) BYOB (FILLED WITH GOODIES FOR YOUR TABLE) A LIMITED TIME OFFERING Take a peek into some of what's to return with more than 10% off the regular lowest ticket price. Make early purchases, prices are subject to change anytime. Tables and chairs are being sold at a limited capacity during this time of Covid. You may see us listed on exclusive only date sites at higher prices with different offerings occasionally with the full experience. WE ARE PRIVATE, AND RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BE SELECTIVE. PLEASE RESPECT
Over 20 musicians and singers jam together, great food, drink and fun, no cover!
Feb 15 Saturday