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00000177-b008-d5f4-a5ff-b9f8b4b60000Radar is WBGO's exclusive album preview feature.

Listen Now to 'Beloved of the Sky,' the New Album by Pianist Renee Rosnes

John Abbott
Renee Rosnes

With her new album, Beloved of the Sky, pianist Renee Rosnes is once again inspired by her natural environment.

Renee Rosnes CD Cover
Beloved of the Sky CD Cover

That's a subject with multiple implications: the natural world, her home life, an array of sense memories. They're all transformed by Renee’s depth of pianism, and through amazing exchanges with saxophonist and flutist Chris Potter, vibraphonist Steve Nelson, bassist Peter Washington and drummer Lenny White.

The musical expression is, as usual from Renee, quite varied — from all-out propulsive, as on the opening “Elephant Dust,” to the scorcher “Black Holes” to a beautiful treatment of “Rosie,” a tune Bobby Hutcherson wrote for his wife. As you’ll hear, Beloved of the Sky has a smart, soulful mix, with the absolute intelligence of Renee’s piano lines forming the map for all here to navigate.

1)   Elephant Dust
2)   Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky
3)   Mirror Image
4)   Rosie
5)   Black Holes
6)   The Flame and the Lotus
7)   Rhythm of the River
8)   The Winter of My Discontent
9)   Let the Wild Rumpus Start

In jazz radio, great announcers are distinguished by their ability to convey the spontaneity and passion of the music. Gary Walker is such an announcer, and his enthusiasm for this music greets WBGO listeners every morning on Daybreak. He's the winner of the 1996 Gavin Magazine Jazz Radio Personality of the Year Award and the recipient of the 2021 Marian McPartland-Willis Conover Award for Career Achievement in Broadcasting from the Jazz Journalists Association. Gary hosts the morning show each weekday from 8am til noon. And, by his own admission, he's truly having a great time.